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_本系列播客节选自为期两天的课程,名为“建筑科学基础”,由建筑科学公司的Joe Lstiburek博士和John Straube博士教授_






国际气候变化专门委员会——就是那些对水位如何上升做出可怕预测的人——也做了一份报告,关于我们作为一个社会在地球上可以做些什么来减少二氧化碳排放,以及它的成本。他们研究了所有这些类别,包括建筑,然后说,“那么,20美元一吨的成本是多少? 20美元一吨我们可以节省多少吨二氧化碳?”无论你给碳定价多少,建筑都是减少二氧化碳排放的最大方式。所以你可以减少人类在地球上排放的二氧化碳20%而每吨成本不到20美元。关于建筑的另一件事是它们是减少二氧化碳的最低成本的方式。如果你想通过生产更节能的汽车来减少二氧化碳排放,成本就会更高。事实上,即使在非常昂贵的水平上,也很难减少交通部门的二氧化碳排放。你可以在农业部门这样做,但你不能在交通部门这样做。另一方面,以最低成本增量的建筑将节省最多的二氧化碳。《经济学人》杂志也重复引用了我在这项研究中很喜欢的一句话,那就是当他们看到这项研究时,建筑似乎是不合理的设计,从经济上讲,它们应该使用比现在更少的能源——根本没有碳税——这绝对是我们在看我们的建筑设计时看到的。 And it’s like, well, but that doesn’t even make sense today, with gas at 11 dollars a therm and electricity at 10 or 12 cents a kilowatt hour—and yet we continue to do it. It’s mostly a disconnect of what can be done at what cost to reach what end.


雪佛龙的另一个广告说好消息是我们有了巨大的替代能源;这就是所谓的保护。美国最大的石油公司之一在主要报纸上登广告,说你应该节约——不要浪费——节约石油,有人觉得这很有趣吗?你觉得他们可能知道一些我们不知道的事吗?实际上,我们在减少生产能耗方面已经取得了巨大的进步。我们已经掌握了所有工业产出的能源含量。在同一时期,日本将其经济中的能源含量降低了四倍。日本不太关心能源价格上涨,尤其是石油价格上涨的原因之一是,他们每年的石油使用量都在减少。按GDP计算,他们用的石油不多,所以对他们的生活影响不大。如果你在英国,你花7美元50美分一加仑,事实上,价格上涨了50美分一加仑,这并没有引起太多注意。 When you’re paying 3 bucks and it goes up 50 cents, you actually notice. So, a lot of countries are much better equipped to handle these increases in energy costs than is America. Countries that are least able to handle it are always the same: the poor ones in sub-Saharan Africa, and Bangladesh. They’re the ones that are actually being hit the hardest. Now, Royal Dutch Shell is the second-largest privately held oil company in the world, and recently they’ve been rattling the chain as well. This is from a letter to the editor of the London Times saying efforts to fight global warming will be wasted unless we concentrate on energy efficiency. Again, second-largest oil company on the planet, writing letters to the editor saying you’ve got to focus on energy efficiency. I think this is unbelievable, and no one seems to be paying attention—that this is a huge shift in mentality on the energy-supply side, huge.


我们注意到的是油价上涨,两者是有联系的。简单的油就做好了。如果我们改用煤炭,我们会造成更多的二氧化碳问题。因此,我们现在能做的最简单、成本最低、影响最大的事情就是停止犯傻——也就是说,停止浪费。进入美国经济的95%的能源都被浪费了;95%。现在,我们做的比这更好,因为你可以注意到这些灯是白炽灯,因此它们把电转换成光的效率不到2%。如果你看一下美国典型的能源混合电力生产,效率大约是30%;那么,30%的效率乘以2%的效率——是的,大约是0.7%的效率。从煤到光,0.7%的效率。 Wow, that sucks doesn’t it? Now, in this particular example, we could multiply that by 5 by replacing the fryer bulbs that are keeping us warm and keeping the air conditioner running, with compact fluorescents, and that would make economic sense the day they were installed, because the moment that this thing with a 2000-hour life had to be replaced, the labor cost of that first replacement pays for the whole CFL. Forget energy. It’s got nothing to do with energy. Just the replacement and labor costs. But do we have incandescent bulbs in here? Yep. Why? Cause…what is the answer? Cause we’re stupid. I can’t really think of any other explanation as to why we would be putting incandescent floodlights that we then cover half the light output on and bounce off a dark-colored surface—because if we actually looked at the efficiency of lighting the table, that .7% number I just calculated? Probably cut it in half again. So when you look across the economy and you look at all kinds of processes and things that we do, 95% is an optimistic number that we throw…we’re 5% efficient. And it’s pretty easy to be 20% efficient. That’s a lot of room to move; that’s the good news. The good news is that we actually can solve the problem. The bad news is that we really haven’t been doing anything.


这与绿色建筑有何联系?首先,绿色建筑意识到这里存在一个问题。绿色建筑的标签满足了很多议程,但可持续建筑或可持续社会是可以长期维持或继续生产的,而不会对未来支持相同活动所必需的条件产生不利影响。这是一个真实的定义。绿色我们可以争论;可持续,这在字典里是正确的。我们知道这意味着什么。我们离建造可持续建筑还差得远。当我听到这个词时,我的感觉是,“天哪,我们是不是也要稀释这个品牌?”绿色品牌已经被稀释了,很多人都持怀疑态度。 But don’t screw up what is actually a well-defined term called sustainable and say, “I’m making a sustainable building.” No, I’m building a more sustainable building. My building is net-zero energy or something like that, but it sure ain’t sustainable. But what we could do is minimize nonrenewable energy and resource use, and that might be a greener building than our current buildings. Who knows? What we do know is that green buildings are durable, because if they last twice as long, they use half as many resources over their life. Pretty simple. That’s an easy one. But, of course, to be able to be used for 50 years they also have to be functional. If you don’t design a building that is able to be functional, what’s the sense of having it in the first place? And, of course, that’s where the beautiful comes in, too. People will look after and want to use it.

那么,这与绿色建筑有什么联系呢?嗯,建筑科学是建造建筑物的科学。它不在字典里,因为如果你在字典里查建筑科学,你找不到一个词条,因为建筑科学真的不那么常见。但我们的定义是让建筑发挥作用。绿色建筑是指比普通建筑工作得更好的建筑。他们工作得很好。它们更耐用,更节能,更舒适,更健康。它们只是很好地充当了建筑的角色。这些东西的汇合是建筑科学的绿色一面。我们所做的不环保的正常建筑工作关注的是能源,舒适,腐烂,发霉和腐蚀,不被起诉,建造成本低,不被烧毁。 But there’s a huge overlap with the green side of reducing energy consumption, making a durable building, using materials that are sensible. And the building science is, in essence, inextricably connected to the green buildings.



现在在美国,可能有超过一个平均水平的发电厂,用来照亮没有人的楼梯井。因此,即使我在美国没有人的每个楼梯间都安装了荧光灯,也不是很有效,因为那里没有人。根据定义,效率为0%。你必须能在没人的时候把事情关掉。风扇要关掉,灯要关掉等等。我们使用日光和运动传感器来实现这一点。这不仅仅是为了获得一个高效的电机,它有一个控制系统,关闭它;因为最有效的方法是,第一,关掉控制装置,对吧?然后我们有了耐用性——排水、密封和干燥是我所说的耐用性(我们将在整个研讨会中讨论很多这方面的内容),然后,只有这样我们才能产生可再生能源。在你完成所有这些事情之前,使用光伏甚至太阳能热水是没有意义的。 And small wind turbines—the ones that are this big around—make less sense than even photovoltaics because the physics require that they be large. You might have noticed that most commercial wind turbine projects use really big, large turbines because that makes them efficient, and efficient means they are less costly. Now, efficient makes them greener, right? Fewer materials used for electricity generated. A whole bunch of little 8-ft.-diameter wind turbines is actually not very green. You’re better off pooling your resources and getting big wind turbines. That’s a much greener and economic and sensible thing. It’s also more economical to put lots of insulation in.




现在,考虑到现有的建筑存量,我们将不得不进行大量的改造,这给了我们使用可再生能源的机会,并大大减少负荷。这张图显示了可再生能源每年15%的增长。我要告诉你们的是,光伏发电和风力发电每年增长超过20%到30%。因此,在过去的五到七年里,每年的增长率远远高于15%。这种复利意味着他们可以生产这个国家所需的很大一部分电力。但与此同时,我们必须减少建筑物的能源消耗。因此,能源消耗通常以每年3%左右的速度增长,每年2%到3%,最近一段时间一直如此,这是红线。我们要做的是每年提高4%左右的效率,然后在25年内,这两件事将趋于一致。如果采用这两种策略,可再生能源可以提供我们建筑物所需的大部分能源。这两者的结合是强大的。 Of course, even beyond 2035 or so, we should be moving from the paradigm of doing less evil, which is where we are right now—let’s make our buildings pollute less, let’s make them less stupid—to make them smart. Move from the turd-polishing to make them jewels. That is a hard job, and people are just dabbling in the research community, but it’s probably not something where anyone needs to go out and build a whole bunch of buildings. We have to figure this out. We’ve got a lot of normal buildings that we can do a lot easily on.

所以,生产能源,清洁空气和水——这是绿色屋顶应该做的事情之一,对吧?你可以净化建筑周围的空气和水,改善当地的生态环境——你知道,让浣熊住在你的屋顶上。重复使用材料,使用低影响的可回收材料,不消耗太多能源。但那还远着呢。在接下来的三个月里,我们有很多更根本的问题要解决,更不用说未来三年了。显然,廉价石油正在耗尽。可能会有一些非常深刻的变化,也许现在我们正处于其中。能源安全是一个真正的挑战,特别是当你考虑到气候变化的局限性时。根据定义,绿色建筑在其预期设计寿命内使用更少的资源。其中一种方法就是数数。 How much energy, how many yards of concrete—that’s one of the ways to assess this. So, just for someone to say they’re green is about as useless as just saying they’re green. It doesn’t mean anything. Everyone’s green. And then, efficiency and renewables, which are going to be the path forward—at some point, that’s where we’re going to put all of our efforts—will require lots of retrofit and will require a lot higher efficiency than we already have in our buildings. We need to take our buildings to a much different level: Somewhere between reducing energy consumption by one-half to two-thirds is where we probably should go before we start putting a lot of effort into renewables. But when you do that you can get some pretty nice combinations.


  1. 迈克尔·钱德勒||# 1



  2. IBHS||#2


  3. kooldave||# 3






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