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该视频仅适用于GBA Prime成员
比尔·鲁滨逊(Bill Robinson):准备粗糙的开口时,寻找损害很重要,而水分是主要的罪魁祸首。要在此处检查损坏,我将使用凿子并将其粘在木头上,然后撬开它。寻找这样的木头。这意味着它是声木。如果崩溃,则必须替换它。您可以在这里看到的毛毡纸是声音 - 实际上是稳固的。当我卸下壁板时,我没有切断它,所以我不会太担心水落后。毛毡纸的形状很好。窗户的开口足够大,可以适合窗户。它的垂直,水平和平方足够平方,可以在安装窗口时进行一些调整。 So we’re good to go. Bill fills in missing gaps of sheathing around the rough opening. Then he vacuums all the dust and dirt so that he’ll have no trouble installing the rigid and self-adhesive flashings. Bill: This is vinyl coil stock. It’s real thin, and what’s nice about it is that it pretty much won’t react with moisture or anything. I cut this in narrow strips and slide it behind the siding. Any water that might get inside the window opening will be forced to the outside. I work the coil stock down behind the siding carefully and use a little pry bar to pull the siding away from the felt paper so that I can get the vinyl coil stock behind there. It’s kind of a tight fit, but I need to get it in there. So, I’ve done the bottom with the vinyl coil stock. I’m going to do both sides but leave the top open so that the flashing tape will actually stick…






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