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视频:如何悬挂密封石膏板(2 / 3)


迈伦:我们先把这部分天花板挂起来。在我们把任何粘合剂放在框架上之前,我们想要得到第一块面板的尺寸。这样就不会弄脏卷尺了。我们已经测量并切割了面板。现在我要把干墙粘合剂涂上去。我要在每根椽子上涂上干墙胶,大约3/8英寸厚的珠子,从接缝处稍微过一点,一直到这里的底板。石膏板粘合剂实际上增加了一点抗剪强度,减少了石膏板上的紧固,但它也有助于密封这些缝隙,所以它会减少从一个缝隙到另一个缝隙的漏气。现在我们要轻松地上升,在我们把它推到天花板之前,我要试着把它放在这个角落里。现在靠在天花板上。我们让它慢慢滑下来。 Justin: When placing the sheets, be careful not to smear the caulk or adhesive too much. The framing is only an inch and a half wide, so smearing it can seriously compromise the integrity of the air barrier. Myron: You’ll notice how the adhesive is actually beyond the seam. I wanted that, because I wanted to make sure that I had adhesive all the way to this edge, because that makes a better air barrier. Justin, let’s get ready to measure the next sheet. Justin: Floating the butt seams allows faster drywall hanging and cleaner seams because you can use a recessed seam backer to pull the butt ends back where mud would otherwise build up. Myron: I’ve been able to apply adhesive to each rafter, but at this little gap between the…


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