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该视频仅适用于GBA Prime成员
官方成绩单我在这里为您带来有关冰堵塞的故事,因为我们很多人都花时间处理它。当屋顶甲板的底面高于冰点并且外部温度在冰点以下时,就会发生冰堵塞,屋顶上有积雪。这很重要的是要理解:外面冷时需要一个温暖的屋顶甲板,需要雪。如果您没有雪,冰堵塞不是问题。我们在北极没有太多的冰堵塞问题,因为我们的北极雪没有太多的积雪。您可能会想:“等等,北极到处都有雪!”是的,但是那已经很长时间了。纽约锡拉丘兹的降雪量多于阿拉斯加的巴罗。数量为10倍,这是一个很大的数字。如果有人将您的薪水乘以10,您会注意到。 Anyway, you need snow. Let’s assume we have snow. How much snow? Four or five inches of snow on the roof has got my attention. That’s prime ice damming conditions. To get that much snow on the roof, you typically need more than 30 pounds per foot of snow load on the ground in the wintertime. Most people know they live in an ice dam location when they notice their neighbors have ice dams. That’s a pretty good indication: You should worry about ice dams when there are ice dams. A buildup of hydrostatic pressure What happens when you start getting an ice dam? The snow melts. In the liquid phase, the water is wicked upward into the snow. The water is actually pulled away from the roof deck. The ice layer that occurs on the roof is several millimeters above the shingles. The liquid water, before it freezes, has the ability to run…





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